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Technology  COVID Feel Good: An Easy Self-Help Virtual Reality Protocol to Overcome the Psychological Burden of Coronavirus


Keyword(s) coronaviruses
Author(s) Giuseppe RivaLuca BernardelliBrenda K. Wiederhold


**The Problem**: Living in the time of the coronavirus means experiencing not only a global health emergency but also extreme psychological stress that puts a strain on our identity and our relationships.Crucially, lockdown and confinement measures isolate people who become the first and the only ones in charge of their own mental health.People are left alone facing a novel and potentially lethal situation, and, at the same time, they need adaptive strategies to face it, at home. **Our Solution:** In this view, any strategy that aims to reduce the psychological burden of coronavirus is extremely necessary Crucially, given the mandatory loneliness resulting from lockdown measures, easy-to-use, inexpensive, and scientifically validated self-help solutions could be the key.COVID Feel Good is a weekly social self-help protocol based on a virtual reality experience, requiring just twenty minutes daily, helping you in relieving anxiety and stress and improving well-being and social connectedness. The protocol, **available in 12 languages**, consists on watching, for a week,  a 10-minute virtual reality experience, named [“The Secret Garden”,]( offering a natural digital place in which subjects can relax and reflect following the indications of a narrative voice. Subjects need to experience it using low-cost virtual reality glasses (10-20 US$).




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Name Giuseppe Riva
Organization Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
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