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Technology  Epidemiological intelligence model for the identification of practices about Covid 19: technological and social innovation solutions for Medellín, Colombia


Keyword(s) COVID-19AdaptationData tracking and modellingDigital Enhanced LearningEducationmachine learningcapacity planning One Healthcity develop
Author(s) Yessica GiraldoDiana Restrepo


The problems generated by Covid 19 are complex and affect all spheres of society. The emotional affectation entails enormous alterations in perception and decision-making, therefore communication at all levels becomes chaotic. Seeking to restore order and, above all, adaptation to the "new reality" is an arduous process that takes time. This proposal focuses on one of the 5 axes that the WHO has identified as key strategies for a successful management of the pandemic called “effective communication”. Effective communication in times of crisis is essential to get governments and health authorities a better control of the spread of the pandemic to save more lives. The main purpose of this proposal, it is to generate a social impact by designing tailored strategies and solutions. Our research involves deeper diagnostics, predictive analytics and the design of solutions for sustainable development within the framework of “One Health”. We seek to generate new knowledge in health management of the pandemic, such as the risk of Covid 19 and its social appropriation by the communities. In order to do so, we have formed an alliance with Purdue University and its communication research center: "Alliance PURCES for Good communication in Covid 19", aims to strengthen the qualification of researchers to contribute to the development of ITC in the country and the region. This proposal combines the systemic methods and models of epidemiological intelligence, with the most accurate statistical analyzes to estimate the effects of interest; computer and analytical advances such as Machine learning to generate predictive analysis. Moreover, it also takes into account qualitative social sciences concepts and techniques to develop a more comprehensive analysis the complex reality. ggFinally, E-health solutions and initiatives will be designed to promote and improve the urgent social adaptation and management of the “new reality” in sustainable way.




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Name Yessica Giraldo
Organization CES University
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